Project Three - Almost Done

Ok, almost done the living/dining room area. Just have to prime and paint the remaining trim and touch up the minor burps here and there.

So AT (my fellow reno queen in crime), what do ya think?

View from Chum for his modeling services
Living room area
Looking towards yard door

Now excuse the mess (realizing after taking these pics that a tidy up of the space might be in order). As you can see I still have newspaper on the floor to finish up the trim. And I need to convince Chum that he doesn't need that roll of old carpet to dig his nails in to but I doubt that is going to happen.

Beyond the finishing of the trim I would like to replace the blinds (both have some damage) and get a couple of blinds for the big window and maybe replace the old curtain. I'd like to replace the ceiling fan as the light doesn't always turn on using the pull-chain. I am also considering getting a new rug for the living room and new covers for the couch cushions.

Now to defuse the big wall I still need to get some art. Still debating over the wall decal and a pic that I saw in Walmart. So stay tuned...we'll have to see where the decor side of things take me.

I don't know what you all think out there but I am really liking the orange. It has really brightened up the space and warmed it up as well. Definitely pleased with the result.

So here's the visual comparison:



  1. Oooooh I dig it! It IS just about my favorite shade of orange. I wish I could do that, but all the natural light in my livingroom wouldnt allow it all I get is an accent wall.
    I am excited to see these wall decals. I wouldnt mind planning something similar once I get to the deco phase.
    If this shade of orange doesnt cheer you up--I dont know what will =)

  2. Found this and thought of you

    or google Painted wall paper design and look around.
    Make a template and DIY!


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